Attorneys For Workers Compensation Claimants
Work injuries are common in any industry. The injuries can be fractures, paralysis, crushing or traumatic injuries. They can happen during constructions, exposure to harmful chemicals in chemical industries, car accidents and other work-related accidents. In these cases, it’s critical to trust the treatment that the doctor recommends. Selecting the right doctor for your work injury is very important. If you are searching for the benefits that the work injured employee is entitled to, consult The Law Offices of Dr. Peter M. Schaeffer.
Selecting The Right Doctor Following A Work Injury
Workers comp is a system of benefits for employees suffering from work-related injuries. It includes the payment of employee’s medical bills and provides work compensation. Most of the workers are covered from the day they start their job. The medical bills include the doctor’s appointment, medical equipment, and medications, physical therapy, surgeries, operations (if necessary) etc.
The law placed a limitation that for one injury, the injured employee is allowed to choose his provider only twice. For instance, if you chose a doctor for your work injury, and if your doctor refers to a surgeon for further treatment, this is a single choice. Emergencies are not counted as choices. Hence, it is advised to seek emergency care as soon as you meet a work-related accident.
Ultimately it is your choice to pick the doctor for your work injury. Sometimes, the employer might have a network of doctors for workers compensation cases. You can choose from them, but it is not a compulsion. Instead, you can always opt out of choosing from your employer’s network and choose your own doctor. But, in that case, instead of two, you’ll only have one choice.
Injured workers are always advised to choose the doctors whom they trust. Often times, it happens that the doctors from the employer’s network are partial towards the employer and may not show honest interest in the injured employee. He might not recommend surgeries and expensive treatment, in case if you need it. So, it is important that you choose your doctor on whom you can rely upon. The only concern in denying your employer’s suggestion is that you’ll miss a choice. Remember, that the employer is usually not required to pay for your third choice.
If your employer asks you to get a medical exam, you can choose your doctor for it. It should take place at a reasonable time and place. You need not to be treated by that doctor, but he will generate a report about your work injury which you’ve to submit at least 2 days prior to arbitration hearing. According to the workers compensation law, the insurer may be limited to interfere with your medical care. You don’t need any permissions from your insurer whether or not to attend a doctor’s appointment.
An injured worker gets maximum workers comp benefits that he is entitled to in case if he gets an experienced attorney to fight for his rights.
Discuss Your Workers Compensation Claim With Us
Sometimes, insurance companies refuse compensation for certain treatments that are required for the work injured employee. They might even deny that your injuries took place in at the workplace. Discuss your workers’ comp with us and get the benefits you deserve. We helped many employees who are injured at work in the State of California and the Riverside and San Bernadino counties, which includes the surrounding communities of Riverside, Corona, Moreno Valley, Hemet, Temecula, and Palm Springs. Free Consultation offered for all Workers’ Compensation cases, all Work Related injuries, and all Personal Injuries. Contact us today at (951) 275-0111.